Are you going through a tough time? Are you feeling a lot of emotions, but just don’t have the right tool to process them? Then you’ve come to the right place.

Traditionally, we intellectualize emotions through journalling, reflecting. They are great tools for us to bring awareness to our patterns, but they don’t really heal the underlying emotions themselves. In order to heal, we have to feel.

As a certified embodiment coach, my coaching session is an hour long recorded zoom call, where we get to the root of your emotions and feel them in your body.

Studies have shown that it takes only 90 seconds for an emotion to be felt and released. The reason why we are walking around carrying all these emotions with us, is because society has taught us that’s it’s shameful to show our emotions, it’s weak, it’s unprofessional. So we suck it up. We keep it inside. But the body keeps the score. These emotions never leave us. They get stored in our bodies that can manifest as physical pain or stress.

Our goal in this session is to give you the tool to process these emotions in a safe space. It’s through the process of Emote, Embody, and Express, where we get to start healing these emotions that has been stored in the body. Once you understand this process, you will have this tool to use at your disposal for the rest of your life, whenever you feel you need to process any emotions.

An introductory rate of $97CAD for one session

Emote, Embody, Express Framework


We lean into the sensations of these emotions and identify where they are in our body, feel them without any inhibitions


Depending on your comfort level, we allow these emotions to move through our body through dance, breathwork, visualizations, etc.


These emotions can be acknowledged through inner child, inner teenager, talking, writing, drawing or any form of expression you feel most resonate with you

This process allow your emotions to be SEEN and FELT. It’s magical how much lighter you can become, from my personal experience and coaching my clients.

Hear from others…

Raisa B.

Maharani H.

Let’s Work Together

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